Standars 3-4 pages Web sites for singers,musicians
or musicians teams
include text, 4-10 photos,
3 min. music (wav or mp3 sound clips)
Standard web-pages for singers,musicians or musicians teams includes:1-2 pages of text, 1-3 photos, 1-2 min. music (wav or mp3 sound clips)
Beware of the Russian spy who works as administrator at Wikipedia and Wikimedia.
His username is Sealle. He is Russian.
Few days ago I saw that someone opened a page on English Wikipedia about my mother Renata Babak. I decided to upload my own pictures of my mother on opera stage to English Wikipedia.
Today, on April 17, 2016 this Russian user and administrator by the name Sealle removed my photos and blocked my access to English Wikipedia.
This year will be 43 years after Renata Babak defected from the Soviet Union but Moscow still cannot get over this.
And again about this Russian from Wikipedia. Of course he is only Kremlin's henchman, but I think that all Russians are very obnoxious and aggressive.